General Information

Aim of the Program

The Master of Science (MSc) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering is a program that provides advanced level expertise to electrical and electronics engineering graduates. The program enables the students to access the information in the most accurate and fast way by doing scientific, technological and academic researches. The aim of the program is to provide students with the ability to evaluate, interpret, and produce original scientific knowledge. In this direction, our mission is to provide the students with the knowledge and skills in fields such as scientific research techniques, wireless communication, adaptive signal processing, advanced artificial intelligence, numerical methods in electromagnetics, high frequency circuit design, and noise analysis in electronic circuits.

Target of the Program

The objective of the MSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering is to make our students specialize in the field of electrical and electronics engineering by taking advanced training and to become the preferred individuals in the national and international arena. Our vision is to educate highly qualified engineers who are knowledgeable, intelligent, contemporary, environmentally conscious, and critical thinkers who use expertise, knowledge and skills they have gained in our training program in their professional lives.

Career Opportunities

The jobs opportunities and academic careers are very broad for our graduates. They could find jobs in the fields of Electronics, Communication, Signal Processing, Power and Energy, Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, Control and Automation. Our graduates would work in the public, private sector and the world's most respected institutions. Moreover, they can pursue a Ph.D. degree at international universities.

Working Places

Graduates of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Master's Program have national and international job opportunities in the fields of electronics, communication systems, energy systems, control and command systems. Those who complete the program can become research assistants at the university and continue their academic careers with doctoral programs. Disciplines such as electronics, communication, signal processing, power and energy, control and automation, renewable energy, remote sensing are the fields of work of our graduates and they can be employed in the public, private sector and prestigious institutions of the world. In addition, our students have the opportunity to pursue a doctorate in universities abroad.

Programmes allowing Horizontal Transfer

Students who want to change their departments by horizontal transfer have the right to switch between Electrical-Electronics Engineering and Computer Engineering departments.