General Information

Aim of the Program

The construction sector, which played an active role in the construction and continuation of civilizations throughout history, grows in parallel with the population with the rapid increase in population. The construction sector, which has a large share in the global economy, including our country's language, needs high-level civil engineers who can produce creative projects using today's technology. We train the required high-level civil engineers as the Civil Engineering Master Program and contribute to the education and sectoral construction sector. In this direction, the aim of the Civil Engineering Master Program is to train engineers who are professional in construction, structure, transportation and hydraulic branches theoretically and practically, and to gain knowledge and skills such as design, scientific research method, design engineering, intelligent transportation systems planning, architectural structure and construction.

Target of the Program

The Civil Engineering Master Program effectively trains students in the branches of construction, transportation and hydraulics, and carries out studies that will contribute to their sector and academic career. Civil Engineering has all the requirements of specialization, has the necessary professional knowledge both in the sectoral and academic world and has gained the skills to use it creatively, is capable of academic research and development, is contemporary, rational, analytical, critical and creative, sensitive to society and the environment, It aims to train civil engineers and academic staff.

Career Opportunities

Graduates who complete the Civil Engineering Master Program will have the opportunity to work both in the construction sector and in the academic world as a civil engineer. Our graduates, who have wide career opportunities with their education, are employed in various positions in public and private organizations.

Future of the Department

Technological developments have paved the way for positive developments in the field of Civil Engineering, as in every field. Compared to previous years, more complex, environmentally friendly and sustainable projects and designs can be easily put into practice with the opportunities provided by technology. Due to the rapid population growth worldwide and the urbanization rates triggered by this situation, Civil Engineering will continue to be an engineering branch that supports and facilitates life with its infrastructure and superstructure elements in the future.

Who Should Choose

Civil Engineering Department may be a suitable choice for candidates who want to take part in the planning and design stages of various projects such as buildings, bridges, roads, railways, dams, ports, who are interested in risk analysis and building information modeling, who take environmental and sustainability issues into account, who can make fast and accurate decisions, who follow current developments in the field, and who have a high entrepreneurial and research spirit and want to improve these aspects.

Working Places

Although their field of work is mainly in the construction sector, they can rearrange and restructure their career planning with this training.

Programmes allowing Horizontal Transfer

Civil Engineering Master Degree Program grants students who want to change departments through undergraduate transfer to the departments of Logistics, Transportation Engineering, Architecture, City and Regional Planning.

Programmes allowing Vertical Transfer

Civil Engineering Master's Program grants students who want to transfer to Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering and Computer Engineering departments, which are determined by vertical transfer, the right to transfer if they complete the compulsory 6 class 1 year scientific preparation program.