General Information

Aim of the Program

The Sports Management Doctorate Program within the Istanbul Gelişim University Graduate Education Institute develops the activities of sports managers who are open to innovation and development; can work regularly, productively, expertly, or administratively; and applies the theory and principles of management science to the sports environment.

Target of the Program

The Sports Management Doctorate Program within the Istanbul Gelişim University Graduate Education Institute aims to bring innovation to science, develop scientific methods, and apply scientific methods in the field by taking specialized courses specific to the field and learning research techniques.

Career Opportunities

Those who have successfully completed the Sports Management Doctorate Program within Istanbul Gelişim University Graduate Education Institute, Organization of the activities in our social life with the name of healthy life in the central and provincial organizations of the Turkish Republic Ministry of Youth and Sports and the General Directorate of Sports, in the service units suitable for their fields of education and expertise, in the tourism sector, as managers at various levels in touristic hotels, motels, and facilities, and in private gym establishments and businesses. and practices, and in the organization and implementation of sports activities of any unit, they can take part as professional sports managers.

Future of the Department

Who Should Choose

Working Places

Those who have successfully completed the Sports Management Doctorate Program within Istanbul Gelişim University Graduate Education Institute, Organization of the activities in our social life with the name of healthy life in the central and provincial organizations of the Turkish Republic Ministry of Youth and Sports and the General Directorate of Sports, in the service units suitable for their fields of education and expertise, in the tourism sector, as managers at various levels in touristic hotels, motels, and facilities, and in private gym establishments and businesses. and practices, and in the organization and implementation of sports activities of any unit, they can take part as professional sports managers.

Programmes allowing Horizontal Transfer

In accordance with the principles of "Graduate Education and Training Regulation, Article 5. Acceptance of Students through Horizontal Transfer, stated by the Istanbul Gelişim University Admissions Application to Graduate Programs through Horizontal Transfer, announced by the Istanbul Gelişim University Graduate Education Institute. Within the scope of the "Principles,” Wide Pass is offered.