Profile of the Programme(Qualification)



Described in terms of theoretical and factual knowledge.

Students could be define and formulate complex engineering problems.
Students develop the knowladge an mathematic, science and engineering
Able to reach widely informationsby means of modern methods and techniques applied in engineering.
They acquire to reach and provide new knowledge at high level


Described in terms of cognitive and practical skills.

Students use computer hardware and software for the solution of civil engineering problems
Students can find or reach data and design experiment on field and labrotory for solving civil engineering problems
They applicate modern design methods in solution problems
They acquire skills in understanding and aplication in social environment
Students use modern planning and mangement techniques in engineering projects
They transform the knowledge that already have in to the application
They can work in different fields
They acquire skills in learning and aplication in their profession


Autonomy & Responsibility

Can take responsibility for solving problems in engineering
Could lead in working group for having ethic rules
They are conscious of ethic responsibilty
They can make a leadership in work team
They are conscious of defining new data and acquire skill reaching evaluate data

Learning to Learn

Students constanly renews themselves adopt to new conditions
They can reache the knowledge that they are researching
They asses and comment the knowledge

Communication & Social

Can read an article and evaluate for the solution of problems
They follow the new developments in engineering
They are conscious on the responsibility of their profesion

Occupational and/or Vocational

They inform to people in any problems or issues in order to solve the problems
They also renew their information on the point under the different conditions
They inform on the issues of solution of engineering problem to different social groups in oral or writing


Students could be define and formulate complex engineering problems.
Students develop the knowladge an mathematic, science and engineering
Able to reach widely informationsby means of modern methods and techniques applied in engineering.
They acquire to reach and provide new knowledge at high level
Students use computer hardware and software for the solution of civil engineering problems
Students can find or reach data and design experiment on field and labrotory for solving civil engineering problems
They applicate modern design methods in solution problems
They acquire skills in understanding and aplication in social environment
Students use modern planning and mangement techniques in engineering projects
They transform the knowledge that already have in to the application
They can work in different fields
They acquire skills in learning and aplication in their profession
Can take responsibility for solving problems in engineering
Could lead in working group for having ethic rules
They are conscious of ethic responsibilty
They can make a leadership in work team
They are conscious of defining new data and acquire skill reaching evaluate data
Students constanly renews themselves adopt to new conditions
They can reache the knowledge that they are researching
They asses and comment the knowledge
Can read an article and evaluate for the solution of problems
They follow the new developments in engineering
They are conscious on the responsibility of their profesion
They inform to people in any problems or issues in order to solve the problems
They also renew their information on the point under the different conditions
They inform on the issues of solution of engineering problem to different social groups in oral or writing


Theoretical, Factual

Lisans düzeyi yeterliliklerine dayalı olarak, aynı veya farklı bir alanda bilgilerini uzmanlık düzeyinde geliştirebilme ve derinleştirebilme.
Alanının ilişkili olduğu disiplinler arası etkileşimi kavrayabilme.
To be able to conduct scientific research in the field of engineering and to be able to access, evaluate, interpret and apply information in breadth and depth.
Has a comprehensive knowledge of current techniques and methods applied in engineering and their limitations.
Defines the broad multidisciplinary scope of the field of technology and the interaction between related disciplines.
Completes and applies knowledge with scientific methods using limited or incomplete data; integrates knowledge from different disciplines.
To be aware of the new and emerging practices of the profession and to examine and learn them when necessary.
Review current techniques and methods applied in the field of technology and their limitations, effects and results.
İnşaat Mühendisliği alanındaki ileri seviyede karmaşık mühendislik problemlerini tanımlar ve formüle eder.
Matematik, Fen bilimleri ve İnşaat Mühendisliği alanlarında edinmiş olduğu bilgilerini geliştirir.
Mühendislikte uygulanan modern teknik ve yöntemler ile bunların sınırları hakkında kapsamlı bilgi edinir.
Gereksinim duyulan bilgi ve verileri tanımlama, bunlara ulaşma ve değerlendirmede ileri düzeyde beceri kazanır.


Cognitive, Practical

Alanında edindiği uzmanlık düzeyindeki kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgileri kullanabilme.
Alanında edindiği bilgileri farklı disiplin alanlarından gelen bilgilerle bütünleştirerek yorumlayabilme ve yeni bilgiler oluşturabilme
Alanı ile ilgili karşılaşılan sorunları araştırma yöntemlerini kullanarak çözümleyebilme.
Completes and applies knowledge with scientific methods using limited or incomplete data; integrates knowledge from different disciplines.
To be able to formulate engineering problems, develop methods to solve them and apply innovative methods in solutions.
To be able to access information broadly and deeply by doing applied research in the field of technology, to be able to evaluate and apply the information.
Completes and applies knowledge with scientific methods using limited or incomplete data; integrates knowledge from different disciplines.
Develops new and/or original ideas and methods; develops innovative solutions in system, component or process designs.
To be able to design and implement analytical, modeling and experimental based research; to be able to analyze and interpret complex situations encountered in this process.
Develop methods to solve defined technology problems and apply innovative methods in solutions.
Apply modeling and experimental research; solve complex situations encountered in this process.
İnşaat Mühendisliği problemlerinin çözümlerinde, çağın gerektirdiği bilgisayar yazılımı ve donanımlarını kullanır.
İnşaat Mühendisliği problemlerinin çözümüne yönelik deney tasarlar, deney yapar, veri toplar ve sonuçları analiz eder.
İnşaat Mühendisliği problemlerinin çözümünde modern tasarım yöntemlerini uygular.
Mühendislik uygulamalarının sosyal ve çevresel boyutlarını anlama ve sosyal çevreye uyum becerisi edinir.
Proje yönetim ve uygulamasında planlama ve kontrol tekniklerini uygular.
İnşaat Mühendisliği alanında sahip olduğu temel bilgiyi uygulamaya dönüştürür.
Bireysel olarak ve çok disiplinli takımlarda etkin olarak çalışır..
Mesleğinin yeni ve gelişmekte olan uygulamaları hakkında farkındalık; gerektiğinde bunları inceleme ve öğrenebilme becerisi edinir.


Autonomy & Responsibility

Alanı ile ilgili uzmanlık gerektiren bir çalışmayı bağımsız olarak yürütebilme.
Alanı ile ilgili uygulamalarda karşılaşılan ve öngörülemeyen karmaşık sorunların çözümü için yeni stratejik yaklaşımlar geliştirebilme ve sorumluluk alarak çözüm üretebilme.
Alanı ile ilgili sorunların çözümlenmesini gerektiren ortamlarda liderlik yapabilme.
Lead multidisciplinary teams, develop solution approaches in complex situations and take responsibility.
To be able to conduct scientific research in the field of engineering and to be able to access, evaluate, interpret and apply information in breadth and depth.
Completes and applies knowledge with scientific methods using limited or incomplete data; integrates knowledge from different disciplines.
To be able to formulate engineering problems, develop methods to solve them and apply innovative methods in solutions.
Develops new and/or original ideas and methods; develops innovative solutions in system, component or process designs.
To be able to design and implement analytical, modeling and experimental based research; to be able to analyze and interpret complex situations encountered in this process.
Leads multidisciplinary teams in the field of technology.
To be able to access information broadly and deeply by doing applied research in the field of technology, to be able to evaluate and apply the information.
Completes and applies knowledge with scientific methods using limited or incomplete data; integrates knowledge from different disciplines.
Develop methods to solve defined technology problems and apply innovative methods in solutions.
Apply modeling and experimental research; solve complex situations encountered in this process.
Bireysel olarak takımlarda sorunları çözmek için sorumluluk alır.
Mühendislik problemlerinin çözümü ve uygulanmasında sorumluluk alarak başladığı bir işi tamamlar.
Mesleki etik sorumluluğunun bilincine sahiptir.
Takım liderliği yapabilir.
Gereksinim duyulan bilgi ve verileri tanımlama, bunlara ulaşma ve değerlendirmede ileri düzeyde beceri kazanır.

Learning to Learn

Alanında edindiği uzmanlık düzeyindeki bilgi ve becerileri eleştirel bir yaklaşımla değerlendirebilme ve öğrenmesini yönlendirebilme.
To be aware of new and emerging practices of his/her profession; to examine and learn them when necessary.
Completes and applies knowledge using scientific methods using limited or incomplete data; integrates knowledge from different disciplines.
To be able to formulate engineering problems, develop methods to solve them and apply innovative methods in solutions.
Develops new and/or original ideas and methods; develops innovative solutions in system, component or process designs.
To be aware of new and emerging applications of the profession, to be able to examine and learn them when necessary.
To be able to access information broadly and deeply by doing applied research in the field of technology, to be able to evaluate and apply the information.
Completes and applies knowledge with scientific methods using limited or incomplete data; integrates knowledge from different disciplines.
Develop methods to solve defined technology problems and apply innovative methods in solutions.
Apply modeling and experimental research and solve complex situations encountered in this process.
Bilgiye erişebilmek için veri tabanları ve diğer bilgi kaynaklarını kullanarak kaynak araştırması yapar.
İnşaat Mühendisligi alanında bilimsel araştırma yaparak bilgiye genişlemesine ve derinlemesine ulaşır.
Bilgiyi değerlendirir ve yorumlar.

Communication & Social

Alanındaki güncel gelişmeleri ve kendi çalışmalarını, nicel ve nitel veriler ile destekleyerek alanındaki ve alan dışındaki gruplara, yazılı, sözlü ve görsel olarak sistemli biçimde aktarabilme.
Sosyal ilişkileri ve bu ilişkileri yönlendiren normları eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla incelemeyebilme, geliştirebilme ve gerektiğinde değiştirmek üzere harekete geçebilme.
Bir yabancı dili en az Avrupa Dil Portföyü B2 Genel Düzeyi'nde kullanarak sözlü ve yazılı iletişim kurabilme.
Alanının gerektirdiği düzeyde bilgisayar yazılımı ile birlikte bilişim ve iletişim teknolojilerini ileri düzeyde kullanabilme.
To be able to communicate orally and in writing in a foreign language at least at the B2 level of the European Language Portfolio.
To be able to communicate the process and results of his/her studies systematically and clearly in written or oral form in national and international environments in or outside the field.
Describe the social and environmental dimensions of engineering practices.
To be able to conduct scientific research in the field of engineering and to be able to access, evaluate, interpret and apply information in breadth and depth.
Completes and applies knowledge with scientific methods using limited or incomplete data; integrates knowledge from different disciplines.
To be able to formulate engineering problems, develop methods to solve them and apply innovative methods in solutions.
Have a comprehensive knowledge of current techniques and methods applied in engineering and their limitations.
To be able to design and implement analytical, modeling and experimental based research; to be able to analyze and interpret complex situations encountered in this process.
To be able to systematically transfer the process and results of the studies in written, oral and visual form in national and international environments in or out of the field; to be able to communicate orally and in writing by using a foreign language at least at the European Language Portfolio B2 General Level.
Uses the methods and software used in the field of technology and communication technologies at an advanced level.
Understand the social and environmental dimensions of technology applications.
List the current techniques and methods applied in the field of technology and their limitations, effects and consequences.
To be able to communicate orally and in writing in a foreign language by using at least European Language Portfolio B2 General Level.
Disiplinlerarası takımlarda çalışır.
Bir grup içerisinde kendini ve fikirlerini açık şekilde ortaya koyar.
Kendi dilinde ve alanında geçerli olan en az bir yabancı dilde meslektaşlarıyla yazılı ve sözlü iletişim kurar.

Occupational and/or Vocational

Alanı ile ilgili verilerin toplanması, yorumlanması, uygulanması ve duyurulması aşamalarında toplumsal, bilimsel, kültürel ve etik değerleri gözeterek denetleyebilme ve bu değerleri öğretebilme.
Alanı ile ilgili konularda strateji, politika ve uygulama planları geliştirebilme ve elde edilen sonuçları, kalite süreçleri çerçevesinde değerlendirebilme.
Alanında özümsedikleri bilgiyi, problem çözme ve/veya uygulama becerilerini, disiplinlerarası çalışmalarda kullanabilme.
Observes social, scientific and ethical values in the stages of data collection, interpretation and announcement and in all professional activities.
Completes and applies knowledge with scientific methods using limited or incomplete data; integrates knowledge from different disciplines.
Lead multidisciplinary teams, develop solution approaches in complex situations and take responsibility.
To be able to communicate the process and results of his/her studies systematically and clearly in written or oral form in national and international environments in or outside the field.
Observes social, scientific and ethical values in the stages of data collection, interpretation, application and announcement and in all professional activities.
Completes and applies knowledge with scientific methods using limited or incomplete data; integrates knowledge from different disciplines.
Leads multidisciplinary teams in the field of technology.
Systematically conveys the process and results of the studies in written, oral and visual form in national and international environments in or outside the field.
İnşaat Mühendisliği alanındaki bilimsel ve teknolojik gelişmeleri izleyerek kendini sürekli olarak yeniler.
İnşaat Mühendisliği alanında yayınlanmış bir makaleyi okur ve yorumlar.
Uzman ya da uzman olmayan dinleyici gruplarını, mühendislik problemleri ve çözüm önerileri ile ilgili konularda yazılı ve sözlü olarak bilgilendirir.