Aim and Objectives

Aim of the Program

Providing services to the child, family, educator and society in supporting the development and skill areas of children who are 0-18 years of normal development, with special needs, who are in need of protection and at risk, can evaluate their mental, language, motor, social, emotional development and self-care skills. To raise child developers.

Objectives of the Program

  • Knowing the importance of healthy development and education of children and young people who will shape the future of the country,
  • Use advanced theoretical and applied knowledge / skills in the field of Child Development in the fields of care and education,
  • Aware of professional responsibilities and ethical values,
  • Ability to follow scientific research in the field of Child Development, health and education, technologies and policies that direct the health and education of the child,
  • Identify problems in the field of Child Development and support solution production,
  • Open to innovative thoughts, conscious about values, careful, creative and critical thinking skills,
  • Adopting lifelong learning, can improve itself in the professional field,
  • Effective oral and written communication,
  • Being sensitive to social events and taking individual responsibility,
  • Can play a sufficient and effective role in the education and health team,
  • To raise Child Developers who respect the differences and human rights.