Aim and Objectives

Aim of the Program

The aim of the Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts is to provide students with knowledge, skills and competence in multidisciplinary fields such as food, art, tourism, design, engineering, anthropology, agriculture, digital media on the basis of Turkish and world cuisine culture and practices. Our accredited department transfers every stage from the kitchen to the business to the students with sustainable technologies and techniques accompanied by expert academic staff. It aims to research basic quality criteria such as food hygiene and safety, current trends and culinary trends, approaches and philosophies in gastronomy at an academic level, especially to promote and advance Turkish culinary culture in the international arena, and to train future influential, successful and leading chefs, managers and experts in their fields at a level that can compete.


Objectives of the Program

Raised in Gelişim, sees change and development as an indispensable element of his life, makes a difference while doing his job, is solution-oriented, believes in teamwork, has a leading spirit, scientific approach to the field of gastronomy, has a command of the philosophy of his profession, is sensitive to society and its environment, has a creative and original mindset, to train qualified gastronomy experts who know Turkish and World cuisines and different eating and drinking cultures.