Banking and insurance Program, banking and insurance sector needs qualified intermediate aims at raising.
Banking and insurance Program's Objectives; banking, insurance and financial markets have knowledge of banking and insurance basic functions of the knowledge, customer relationship management necessary skills, the knowledge Gained in the sector, the qualified personnel yetiştirmektir.b line with the market in the qualifications Necessary academic programs required in order to impart professional knowledge created in aim to provice.
As the first step of the career ladder, our students who have graduated from associate degree can work in banks' call centers, counters and branches of banks as sales consultants. Our students can work in insurance companies related to the insurance field, which is another area of our program, or they can start their business life by establishing their own agencies.
Banking and insurance transactions in Turkey and in the world are changing and developing day by day. It is in the process of differentiation, development and growth, as are hybrid operating models and NFT systems. In this respect, the number of people and companies that want to receive consultancy and service is increasing day by day. In this case, the need for well-equipped and expert banking and insurance graduates is expected to increase day by day.
The graduates of Banking and insurance Program, bankers, insurers can operate in the financial sector. in addition, accounting offices as assistance alabilirler.bunu with public and privately owned banks, financial institutions, financial-dealing brokerage houses, insurance companies, accounting firms, different sectors accounting services, data processing centers, credit analysis, international auditing companies, reinsurance companies can work .
Students with a YGS/6 base score can transfer to associate degree programs.
Actuarial, Banking, Banking and Finance, Banking and Finance, Banking and insurance, Econometrics, Economics, Economics and Finance, Economics, Business Administration, Business informatics, Economics and Management, Logistics Management, Capital Markets, Capital Markets Audit and Rating, insurance, insurance and Risk Management, international Finance, international Business, international Business, international Business and Trade, international Trade and Finance, international Trade and Finance, international Trade and Business, international Trade and Logistics