Career & Academic Progression Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Security Studies Master Programme graduates can be employed in the units of public and private sectors as diplomat, advisor, supervisor, expert and manager. Ministries, undersecretaries and embassies as well as international organizations, think tanks and research centers, international trade companies, banks, tourism facilities and the foreign news branch of media are among the units that our graduates may work. The students that are planning academic career may be enrolled in Ph.D. programs in line with their field of interest.

Occupational Profiles

Basic work area of the program includes the security understanding transforming in today’s world and new security requirements emerging in line with this changing understanding, international criminal organizations threatening state’s security and the methods to deal with those threats. The program that is in a close relationship with the other disciplines mainly politics, history, law, economy, philosophy and sociology makes students to gain a well-supported social sciences formation.

Horizontal Transition

Vertical Transmission