1. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ülgen; Orthodontics, Anomalies, Cephalometry, Etiology, Growth and Development, Diagnosis; Y.T.Ü. Faculty of Dentistry Publication No:1, İstanbul 2000 2. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ülgen; Principles of Orthodontic Treatment, 3. Prof. Dr. İlter UZEL, Prof. Dr. Ayhan ENACAR, Cephalometry in Orthodontics; Çukurova University Press, Published year, Adana 2000 4. Prof. Dr. Yahya TOSUN Mechanical Principles of Fixed Orthodontic Appliances Ege University Press, İzmir 1993 5. Prof. Dr. Yahya TOSUN, Orthodontics in Private Dentistry, Titizler Grafik Ofset Printing Services, 2003 6. Contemporary orthodontics. 3rd Ed., Proffit, William and Fields, Henry, The Mosby Co. 7. Laura Mitchell, An introduction to Orthodontics (Oxford Medical Publications) (paperback) Oxford University Press,USA; 2nd Edition (June 7, 2001) ISBN-10:0192631845 ISBN-13:978-0192631848 8. Textbook of Orthodontics. Samir E. Bishara, Saunders Co. ISBN 0-7216-8289-8 9. Orthodontics, 4th Edition - Current Principles and Techniques, Thomas M. Graber, DMD, MSD, PhD, OdontDr, DSc, ScD, MD, FDSRCS(Eng), Robert L. Vanarsdall, Jr., DDS and Katherine W. L. Vig, BDS, MS, FDS(RCS), DOrth ISBN: 0323026214 ISBN-13: 9780323026215 10. Early Orthodontic Treatment, Translation into Turkish Editors: Prof. Dr. Tülin Taner, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Banu Sağlam Aydınatay, ISBN: 978525235205 11. Orthodontic Treatment: Concepts and Strategies, Frans P.G.M. van der Linden, Translation Editor: Prof. Dr. Tulin ARUN, ISBN : 978-605-88563-0-1 |