Described in terms of theoretical and factual knowledge. |
They have basic theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of laboratory science.
They have a minimum technical infrastructure in basic mathematics and science subjects.
They acquire the ability to effectively collect data through efficient sampling, experiments, and analysis, and to interpret and evaluate the obtained data.
They are aware of the fundamental concepts related to quality assurance and quality management systems, and they can conduct work in accordance with the importance of the quality control process within total quality management.
They have knowledge of ethical principles and rules related to their field.
Described in terms of cognitive and practical skills. |
They possess the capability to generate original ideas that can respond to the demands and advancements in the laboratory sector, as well as the ability to conduct research and development (R&D) activities.
They interpret and evaluate data using the basic level of knowledge and skills acquired in their field, identify problems, analyze them, and participate/take responsibility in planned activities for solving them.
Autonomy & Responsibility |
They have the ability to work independently.
Learning to Learn |
They acquire an awareness of the necessity of lifelong learning and gain an understanding of keeping up with developments in science and technology, as well as continually renewing themselves.
Communication & Social |
They are respectful towards historical values and possess social responsibility awareness.
They understand the necessity of teamwork and engage in team collaboration when needed.
Occupational and/or Vocational |
They are knowledgeable about laboratory technology and proficiently utilize laboratory instruments and equipment in an appropriate and effective manner.
They can conduct analyses of food, water, plants, soil, chemicals, microbiological samples, and medical materials.
They have sufficient awareness regarding individual and public health, environmental protection, and occupational safety.
They act in accordance with laws, regulations, legislation, and professional ethical standards regarding their duties, rights, and responsibilities as an individual.
They have basic theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of laboratory science.
They have a minimum technical infrastructure in basic mathematics and science subjects.
They acquire the ability to effectively collect data through efficient sampling, experiments, and analysis, and to interpret and evaluate the obtained data.
They are aware of the fundamental concepts related to quality assurance and quality management systems, and they can conduct work in accordance with the importance of the quality control process within total quality management.
They have knowledge of ethical principles and rules related to their field.
They possess the capability to generate original ideas that can respond to the demands and advancements in the laboratory sector, as well as the ability to conduct research and development (R&D) activities.
They interpret and evaluate data using the basic level of knowledge and skills acquired in their field, identify problems, analyze them, and participate/take responsibility in planned activities for solving them.
They have the ability to work independently.
They acquire an awareness of the necessity of lifelong learning and gain an understanding of keeping up with developments in science and technology, as well as continually renewing themselves.
They are respectful towards historical values and possess social responsibility awareness.
They understand the necessity of teamwork and engage in team collaboration when needed.
They are knowledgeable about laboratory technology and proficiently utilize laboratory instruments and equipment in an appropriate and effective manner.
They can conduct analyses of food, water, plants, soil, chemicals, microbiological samples, and medical materials.
They have sufficient awareness regarding individual and public health, environmental protection, and occupational safety.
They act in accordance with laws, regulations, legislation, and professional ethical standards regarding their duties, rights, and responsibilities as an individual.
Theoretical, Factual |
Ortaöğretim düzeyinde kazanılan yeterliliklere dayalı olarak alanındaki güncel bilgileri içeren ders kitapları, uygulama araç-gereçleri ve diğer kaynaklarla desteklenen temel düzeydeki kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgilere sahip olma.
Possess theoretical and practical knowledge supported by textbooks with updated information, practice equipments and other resource on basic level based on qualifications gained at secondary education level.
Have minimum technical background in basic mathematics and science subjects.
Based on the qualifications gained at secondary education level, they have basic theoretical and applied knowledge supported by textbooks, application tools and other resources containing up-to-date information in the field of health.
Has the knowledge of reaching, evaluating and applying basic scientific knowledge in the field of health.
Based on the qualifications gained at secondary education level, they have basic theoretical and applied knowledge supported by textbooks, application tools and other resources containing up-to-date information in the field of health.
Laboratuvar alanında temel düzeyde teorik ve uygulamalı bilgilere sahiptir.
Temel matematik ve fen bilimleri konularında asgari teknik alt yapıya sahip olur.
Etkin bir şekilde numune alma, deney ve analiz aracığıyla veri toplama, elde ettiği verileri yorumlama ve değerlendirme becerisi kazanır.
Kalite güvencesi ve kalite yönetim sistemleriyle ilgili temel kavramları bilir ve kalite kontrol sürecinin toplam kalite yönetimi içerisindeki önemine uygun şekilde çalışmalar yürütebilir.
Alanı ile ilişkili etik ilke ve kurallara ilişkin bilgiye sahiptir.
Cognitive, Practical |
Gain the skills to use basic level theoretical and practical knowledge acquired within the field in the same field of a higher education level or in a field of same level.
Interpret and evaluate data, define problems, do analysis, produce solutions based on proof with using basic level knowledge and practices gained within the field.
Alanında edindiği temel düzeydeki kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgileri aynı alanda bir ileri eğitim düzeyinde veya aynı düzeydeki bir alanda kullanabilme becerileri kazanma.
Alanında edindiği temel düzeydeki bilgi ve becerileri kullanarak, verileri yorumlayabilme ve değerlendirebilme, sorunları tanımlayabilme, analiz edebilme, kanıtlara dayalı çözüm önerileri geliştirebilme.
Interprets and evaluates data by using the basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field of health, identifies, analyzes and takes part in studies planned for solution.
Uses basic computer programs and related technologies in the field of health.
Interprets and evaluates data by using the basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field of health, identifies, analyzes and takes part in studies planned for solution.
Uses basic computer programs and related technologies in the field of health.
Laboratuvar sektörünün talep ve gelişmelerine cevap verebilen özgün fikirler üretebilme ve AR-GE yapabilecek yetenekte olur.
Alanında edindiği temel düzeydeki bilgi ve becerileri kullanarak verileri yorumlar ve değerlendirir, sorunları tanımlar, analiz eder ve çözüm için planlanan çalışmalarda yer alır/sorumluluk alır.
Autonomy & Responsibility |
Conduct studies at basic level within the field independently.
Take responsibility as a team member in order to solve unexpected complex problems faced in the implementations within the field.
Conduct activities towards the development of subordinates within a project.
Alanı ile ilgili temel düzeydeki bir çalışmayı bağımsız olarak yürütebilme.
Alanı ile ilgili uygulamalarda karşılaşılan ve öngörülemeyen karmaşık sorunları çözmek için ekip üyesi olarak sorumluluk alabilme.
Sorumluluğu altında çalışanların bir proje çerçevesinde gelişimlerine yönelik etkinlikleri yürütebilme.
Based on the qualifications gained at secondary education level, they have basic theoretical and applied knowledge supported by textbooks, application tools and other resources containing up-to-date information in the field of health.
Has the knowledge of reaching, evaluating and applying basic scientific knowledge in the field of health.
Defines the importance of ethical principles and ethical committees for the individual and society.
Bireysel çalışma yapabilme becerisine sahip olur.
Learning to Learn |
Alanında edindiği temel düzeydeki bilgi ve becerileri eleştirel bir yaklaşımla değerlendirebilme, öğrenme gereksinimlerini belirleyebilme ve karşılayabilme.
Öğrenimini aynı alanda bir ileri eğitim düzeyine veya aynı düzeydeki bir mesleğe yönlendirebilme.
Yaşamboyu öğrenme bilinci kazanmış olma.
Evaluate the acquired knowledge and skills at basic level within the field with a critical approach, determine and respond to learning needs.
Direct the education received to a higher education level in the same field or to an occupation in the same level.
Gain awareness of lifelong learning.
Yaşam boyu öğrenmenin gerekliliği bilinci; bilim ve teknolojideki gelişmeleri izleme ve kendini sürekli yenileme bilincini kazanır.
Communication & Social |
Transfer the ideas based on the basic knowledge and skills acquired within the field through written and oral communication.
Share the ideas and solution proposals to problems about issues within the field with professionals and non-professionals.
Monitor the developments in the field and communicate with peers by using a foreign language at least at a level of European Language Portfolio A2 General Level.
Use informatics and communication technologies with at least a minimum level of European Computer Driving License Basic Level software knowledge.
Alanı ile ilgili konularda sahip olduğu temel bilgi ve beceriler düzeyinde düşüncelerini yazılı ve sözlü iletişim yoluyla aktarabilme.
Alanı ile ilgili konularda düşüncelerini ve sorunlara ilişkin çözüm önerilerini uzman olan ve olmayan kişilerle paylaşabilme.
Bir yabancı dili en az Avrupa Dil Portföyü A2 Genel Düzeyi'nde kullanarak alanındaki bilgileri izleyebilme ve meslektaşları ile iletişim kurabilme.
Alanının gerektirdiği en az Avrupa Bilgisayar Kullanma Lisansı Temel Düzeyinde bilgisayar yazılımı ile birlikte bilişim ve iletişim teknolojilerini kullanabilme.
Communicates effectively with colleagues, physicians and patients in an ethical framework.
To gain application skills by examining the processes related to the field in public and private sector organizations on site.
Tarihi değerlere saygılıdır ve sosyal sorumluluk bilincine sahiptir.
Ekip çalışmasının gerekliliğini bilir ve gerektiğinde ekip çalışması yapar.
Occupational and/or Vocational |
Alanı ile ilgili verilerin toplanması, uygulanması ve sonuçlarının duyurulması aşamalarında toplumsal, bilimsel, kültürel ve etik değerlere sahip olma.
Sosyal hakların evrenselliği, sosyal adalet, kalite ve kültürel değerler ile çevre koruma, iş sağlığı ve güvenliği konularında yeterli bilince sahip olma.
Possess social, scientific, cultural and ethic values on the stages of gathering, implementation and release of the results of data related to the field.
Possess sufficient consciousness about the issues of universality of social rights, social justice, quality, cultural values and also, environmental protection, worker's health and security.
Laboratuvar teknolojisi alanı ile ilgili teknikleri bilir ve laboratuvar araç, alet ve cihazları uygun ve etkin bir biçimde kullanır.
Gıda, su, bitki, toprak, kimyasal, mikrobiyolojik ve tıbbi materyallerin analizini gerçekleştirebilir.
Birey ve halk sağlığı, çevre koruma ve iş güvenliği konularında yeterli bilince sahiptir.
Birey olarak görev, hak ve sorumlulukları ile ilgili yasa, yönetmelik, mevzuata ve mesleki etik kurallarına uygun davranır.