Profile of the Programme(Qualification)



Described in terms of theoretical and factual knowledge.

Define basic concepts about gastronomy.
Interpret the basic concepts, areas and approaches related to the field.
Relate the information and facts about the field to the fields of social sciences such as Law, Sociology, Philosophy and Economy.
Compare national and international cuisines in terms of similarities and differences.


Described in terms of cognitive and practical skills.

Categorize food hygiene and safety into accepted standards and practices.
Prepare the technical infrastructure and contents of kitchen activities.
Apply theoretical knowledge about food science into the field of gastronomy.
Collaborate with shareholders in the field to bring new ideas, products to the market.
Integrate basic kitchen techniques and product preparation principles into today's technology.
Plan the work schedule and workflow in food and beverage enterprises.


Autonomy & Responsibility

Calculate costs in the food and beverage field.
Carry out management theories, recruitment and evaluation processes effectively in food and beverage business.
Organizes participation to national and international competitions and fairs in its field.

Learning to Learn

Examine developments, changes and innovations in the field by accepting the lifelong learning as a principle.
Find planning, executioning and editing mistakes systematicly related to his field.

Communication & Social

Express their ideas using presentation and communication techniques in deliberate and verbal ways.
Organize activities related to the field.

Occupational and/or Vocational

Interpret ethical values and legal regulations related to their profession in the direction of the substances in the legislation.
Design social and social projects in his / her field using historical, cultural and geographical riches.
Perform scientific researches using knowledge and skills related to his field.


Define basic concepts about gastronomy.
Interpret the basic concepts, areas and approaches related to the field.
Relate the information and facts about the field to the fields of social sciences such as Law, Sociology, Philosophy and Economy.
Compare national and international cuisines in terms of similarities and differences.
Categorize food hygiene and safety into accepted standards and practices.
Prepare the technical infrastructure and contents of kitchen activities.
Apply theoretical knowledge about food science into the field of gastronomy.
Collaborate with shareholders in the field to bring new ideas, products to the market.
Integrate basic kitchen techniques and product preparation principles into today's technology.
Plan the work schedule and workflow in food and beverage enterprises.
Calculate costs in the food and beverage field.
Carry out management theories, recruitment and evaluation processes effectively in food and beverage business.
Organizes participation to national and international competitions and fairs in its field.
Examine developments, changes and innovations in the field by accepting the lifelong learning as a principle.
Find planning, executioning and editing mistakes systematicly related to his field.
Express their ideas using presentation and communication techniques in deliberate and verbal ways.
Organize activities related to the field.
Interpret ethical values and legal regulations related to their profession in the direction of the substances in the legislation.
Design social and social projects in his / her field using historical, cultural and geographical riches.
Perform scientific researches using knowledge and skills related to his field.


Theoretical, Factual

Alanındaki güncel bilgileri içeren ders kitapları, uygulama araç-gereçleri ve diğer kaynaklarla desteklenen ileri düzeydeki kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgilere sahip olma.
He/She has comprehensive and systematic knowledge of concepts, theories, principles and phenomena in his field and related disciplines.
He/She has knowledge about service delivery processes and processes in his field.
He/She is knowledgeable about the internal and external environmental factors of the organizations in his field, the departments of the organization and their relations and interactions with each other, management, policies and strategies.
He/She has basic knowledge about research methods specific to his field.
He/She has knowledge about legal regulations, occupational standards and practices in his field.
He/She has detailed information about a particular profession, job in his field.
He/She is knowledgeable about important problems and alternative solutions in his field and nearby areas.
He/She has comprehensive and systematic knowledge of concepts, theories, principles and phenomena in her field and related disciplines.
He/She has knowledge about service delivery processes and processes in his field.
He/She is knowledgeable about the internal and external environmental factors of the organizations in her field, the departments of the organization and their relations and interactions with each other, management, policies and strategies.
He/She has basic knowledge about research methods specific to her field.
He/She has knowledge about legal regulations, occupational standards and practices in his field.
He/She has detailed information about a particular profession, job in his field.
He/She is knowledgeable about important problems and alternative solutions in his field and nearby areas.
Gastronomi ile ilgili temel kavramları tanımlar.
Alanıyla ilgili temel kavramları, çalışma alanları ve yaklaşımları yorumlar.
Alanıyla ilgili bilgi ve olguları sosyal bilimlerin Hukuk, Sosyoloji, Felsefe ve Ekonomi gibi alanlarıyla ilişkilendirir.
Ulusal ve uluslararası mutfakları benzerlik ve farklılıkları yönünden karşılaştırır.


Cognitive, Practical

Alanında edindiği ileri düzeydeki kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgileri kullanabilme.
Alanında edindiği ileri düzeydeki bilgi ve becerileri kullanarak verileri yorumlayabilme ve değerlendirebilme, sorunları tanımlayabilme, analiz edebilme, araştırmalara ve kanıtlara dayalı çözüm önerileri geliştirebilme.
Uses and interprets the knowledge, theories and models in the field and related disciplines in general and in the business environment.
It follows the changes in the internal and external environments of the organizations operating in its field, makes rational analyzes, comments, contributes and adapts to the changes.
It performs the functions of planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling in the field.
It analyzes, plans, implements, supervises the service delivery processes related to its field and restructures and develops the service delivery processes when necessary.
Uses service policies and strategies related to the field, performs service processes in a way that satisfies the consumer, reviews, develops, evaluates, finds solutions to problems that will affect the service process, and develops and uses consumer satisfaction measurement tools.
He/she plans and carries out projects and researches using appropriate research methods regarding the issues and problems related to his/her field, and presents the results in a clear and understandable way.
Recognizes, uses and maintains the physical environment, tools and technologies related to the field.
Analyzes information using well-known techniques on problems related to the field, critically evaluates different options for solving problems, and solves unpredictable and complex problems.
Follows the developments and applications related to the field and uses them in practice.
Makes abstract and theoretical inferences from the applications in the field.
Makes a self-assessment.
Uses and interprets the knowledge, theories and models in the field and related disciplines in general and in the business environment.
It follows the changes in the internal and external environments of the organizations operating in its field, makes rational analyzes, comments, contributes and adapts to the changes.
It performs the functions of planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling in the field.
It analyzes, plans, implements, supervises the service delivery processes related to its field and restructures and develops the service delivery processes when necessary.
Uses service policies and strategies related to the field, performs service processes in a way that satisfies the consumer, reviews, develops, evaluates, finds solutions to problems that will affect the service process, and develops and uses consumer satisfaction measurement tools.
He/she plans and carries out projects and researches using appropriate research methods regarding the issues and problems related to his/her field, and presents the results in a clear and understandable way.
Recognizes, uses and maintains the physical environment, tools and technologies related to the field.
Analyzes information using well-known techniques on problems related to the field, critically evaluates different options for solving problems, and solves unpredictable and complex problems.
Follows the developments and applications related to the field and uses them in practice.
Makes abstract and theoretical inferences from the applications in the field.
Makes a self-assessment.
Yeme içme sanatının işleyişini, sistemlerini ve yapılarını analiz eder.
Mutfak faaliyetlerinin teknik altyapısını ve içeriğini hazırlar.
Gıda bilimi ile ilgili teorik bilgileri gastronomi alanına uygular.
Alanındaki paydaşlarıyla yeni fikirler, ürünler meydana getirmek için işbirliği yapar.
Temel mutfak tekniklerini ve ürün hazırlama prensiplerini günümüz teknolojisine entegre eder.
Yiyecek-içecek işletmelerinde iş düzenini ve akışını planlar.


Autonomy & Responsibility

Alanı ile ilgili ileri düzeydeki bir çalışmayı bağımsız olarak yürütebilme.
Alanı ile ilgili uygulamalarda karşılaşılan ve öngörülemeyen karmaşık sorunları çözmek için bireysel ve ekip üyesi olarak sorumluluk alabilme.
Sorumluluğu altında çalışanların bir proje çerçevesinde gelişimlerine yönelik etkinlikleri planlayabilme ve yönetebilme.
Works effectively with others and independently.
Works as a team member, takes responsibility and manages the team.
He/She develops the professional knowledge and skills of the people he works with and evaluates their performance.
In complex and unpredictable situations, he/she becomes original and autonomous in solving problems and makes decisions on his own.
It manages or transforms service processes and businesses that are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic approaches.
Manages himself/herself and time and makes self-criticism.
Manages technical and professional activities or projects in complex and unpredictable situations related to his/her field.
It manages the professional development of individuals or groups working in its nature.
Yiyecek ve içecek alanında maliyetleri hesaplar.
Bir yiyecek-içecek işletmesini etkin bir şekilde yürütecek yönetim teorilerini, işe alım ve değerlendirme süreçlerini uygular.
Alanındaki ulusal ve uluslararası yarışma ve fuarlara katılımı organize eder.

Learning to Learn

Alanında edindiği ileri düzeydeki bilgi ve becerileri eleştirel bir yaklaşımla değerlendirebilme,
Öğrenme gereksinimlerini belirleyebilme ve öğrenmesini yönlendirebilme.
Yaşamboyu öğrenmeye ilişkin olumlu tutum geliştirebilme.
He/She learns by himself to increase his professional knowledge, skills and competence.
Follows the current developments in his/her field and profession at national and international level.
Follows the current developments in his/her field and profession at national and international level.
It updates and develops the knowledge, skills and competencies related to the field with the awareness of lifelong learning.
Yaşam boyu öğrenmeyi ilke olarak kabul ederek alanıyla ilgili gelişmeleri, değişimleri ve yenilikleri araştırır.
Alanıyla ilgili planlama, icra ve düzenleme hatalarını sistematik şekilde bulur.

Communication & Social

Alanı ile ilgili konularda ilgili kişi ve kurumları bilgilendirebilme; düşüncelerini ve sorunlara ilişkin çözüm önerilerini yazılı ve sözlü olarak aktarabilme.
Alanı ile ilgili konularda düşüncelerini ve sorunlara ilişkin çözüm önerilerini nicel ve nitel verilerle destekleyerek uzman olan ve olmayan kişilerle paylaşabilme.
Toplumsal sorumluluk bilinci ile yaşadığı sosyal çevre için proje ve etkinlikler düzenleyebilme ve bunları uygulayabilme.
Bir yabancı dili en az Avrupa Dil Portföyü B1 Genel Düzeyi'nde kullanarak alanındaki bilgileri izleyebilme ve meslektaşları ile iletişim kurabilme.
Alanının gerektirdiği en az Avrupa Bilgisayar Kullanma Lisansı İleri Düzeyinde bilgisayar yazılımı ile birlikte bilişim ve iletişim teknolojilerini kullanabilme.
Establishes effective interpersonal and intercultural communication and makes group work.
Presents information, discussion and analysis related to the field to experts and outsiders.
Communicates verbally and in writing in a foreign language at least at the European Language Portfolio B1 General Level.
He/she uses information and communication technologies together with computer software with at least the European Computer License Advanced Level required by his/her field.
Sunum ve iletişim tekniklerini kullanarak fikirlerini yazılı ve sözlü bir şekilde ifade eder.
Alanıyla ilgili etkinlikler düzenler.

Occupational and/or Vocational

Alanı ile ilgili verilerin toplanması, yorumlanması, uygulanması ve sonuçlarının duyurulması aşamalarında toplumsal, bilimsel, kültürel ve etik değerlere uygun hareket etme.
Sosyal hakların evrenselliği, sosyal adalet, kalite kültürü ve kültürel değerlerin korunması ile çevre koruma, iş sağlığı ve güvenliği konularında yeterli bilince sahip olma.
It conducts regular health, safety and risk assessments regarding its field and collects information for this purpose.
It performs the works in its field within the framework of laws and professional standards.
He/She adheres to the ethical values ​​related to his field and has social responsibility.
It has sufficient awareness of the privacy and confidentiality of the private lives of the people to whom service is provided and takes the necessary measures in this regard.
It takes human health, social and natural environment into consideration while performing works related to its field.
Observes fundamental rights and freedoms, is sensitive to differences between people and cultures; Shows tolerance and respect.
Interprets the legislation related to his/her field and approaches the existing assumptions with a questioning point of view.
Interprets the legislation related to his/her field and approaches the existing assumptions with a questioning point of view.
Mesleğiyle ilgili etik değerleri ve kanuni düzenlemeleri mevzuatta yer alan maddeler doğrultusunda yorumlar.
Tarihi, kültürel ve coğrafi zenginlikleri kullanarak alanında toplumsal ve sosyal içerikli projeler tasarlar.
Alanıyla ilgili bilgi ve becerileri kullanarak bilimsel araştırmalar yapar.