Aim and Objectives

Aim of the Program

The Movement and Training Sciences Thesis/Non-Thesis Master's Program within the body of Istanbul Gelişim University Graduate Education Institute aims to train experts in the field of movement and training sciences with its educational understanding and professional academic staff aimed at internationalization where current knowledge is dominant.

To specialize in sports, movement and training sciences, to have world-class scientific knowledge, to use advanced sports practices in his professional career, to make a career not only in national but also in international platforms, to achieve success, to carry out academic studies, Professional expertise is provided to individuals who want to contribute to the upbringing of new generations as educators.


Objectives of the Program

Movement and Training Sciences Thesis/Non-Thesis Master's Program, where theoretical and practical education is offered to students at international standards, has the knowledge and skills in national and international movement and training sciences, can closely follow the developments and innovations in the field of sports, can carry out academic studies, and It aims to train experts who can contribute to the practice of sports, who can use technology and science effectively, who can produce effective solutions to problems in the field of sports by using scientific research methods. In addition to professional expertise, it is aimed to raise individuals with ethical values, solution-oriented, analytical thinking, teamwork harmonious, visionary, open to innovations and strong communication.