General Information

Aim of the Program

Within the framework of the program, it is aimed to provide students with the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills for an equipped psychology graduate and to ensure that the students have social and ethical responsibility.

Target of the Program

Our department adopts an educational approach in international standards and aims to train graduates who can guide the science of psychology.

Career Opportunities

Psychology is a science that is spread over the whole of human life and therefore there are various career opportunities. After completing their 4-year undergraduate education, our graduates can be employed in many different fields such as human resources, advertising, public and market research companies, special education and rehabilitation institutions, health institutions and psychological counseling centers. Graduates who want to increase their career options, can continue with postgraduate degree programs in Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Addiction Psychology and can work in applied fields or have an academic career.  

Future of the Department

With the development of technology in the modern world, it is seen that the popularity of some professions is slowly decreasing. However, the science of psychology, whose research subject is people and their behaviors, will continue to be the focus of attention as long as people exist. In fact, it is seen that there has been an increase in the interest in the psychology department lately. This is not surprising, especially considering that many psychological disorders have increased over the years. Psychology will be needed in every subject related to the human mind and behavior.


Who Should Choose

Psychology can be a suitable choice for people who are interested in the human mind and behavior, can look at various people and groups objectively, are open to new ideas, have high empathy, problem solving and communication skills, are patient and care to apply ethical rules.


Working Places

Programmes allowing Horizontal Transfer

Provided that the conditions in the related regulations are fulfilled, intra-institutional lateral transfer can be conducted to all faculties and schools. Students can also use lateral transfer option to transfer at similar departments of other institutions.

Programmes allowing Vertical Transfer
