The main objective of Aircraft Technology Program; In addition to theoretical knowledge, based on the teaching system for the application, Civil Air transport from the grounds of capacity in the future two-fold increase in that movement, qualified Aircraft Technology to eliminate the open education field technicians and is intended to meet the needs of this sector. In our country, and to meet the needs of the technical staff of the aviation sector is developing rapidly in the world, THY making agreements with other aviation organizations, especially, as the companies that manufacture in the aviation industry, as well as maintenance and repair firms that aims to educate qualified intermediate staff to needs. In addition, recent technical and scientific developments in aircraft technology technician should follow closely the international standards, working and thinking in the light of scientific data, it is intended to fill the gap of skilled manpower in this field.
Scientific data to international standards aerospace technicians that need to keep abreast of tech employees in the light and think, meet the need for trained personnel for aircraft maintenance through the academic program and aviation services to work in aircraft maintenance company in the name of improving the quality of train technical staff is our main goal.
Aircraft Technology students who have graduated from the program gained knowledge and skills in line; In business serving the aviation sector, are employed as technicians in the maintenance and repair section.
Our department is working to support our students both in internship and in finding a job after graduation, with the important breakthroughs it has made in the sector and the agreements it has made with civil aviation organizations.
Anyone who is interested in aircraft, aviation and space, civil defense and who wants to work in this field can choose this department.
Aircraft Technology graduates in business in the aviation industry, in manufacturing firms or large firms can work as a maintenance technician.