The patient's family history, medical history, and current medical characteristics are determined.
Signs and findings related to the complaint are collected; symptoms are recorded; the onset, course, duration, and prognosis of the lesions are evaluated.
The general characteristics of the patient are evaluated using examination methods (inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation, transillumination, probing, diascopy, aspiration). Head-neck, sinus, eye, ear, nose, TMJ, lymph nodes, and skin examinations are performed.
The lips, buccal mucosa, palate, oropharynx, floor of mouth, tongue, gums, teeth, and oral soft tissues are examined.
Local and systemic factors that create hard and soft tissue lesions in the orofacial region are associated with the patient's complaint.
Diagnostic radiological tests and other auxiliary diagnostic methods are applied and evaluated.
The appropriate and correct treatment plan is made for the patient. |