Code Name of the Course Unit Semester In-Class Hours (T+P) Credit ECTS Credit


Language of Instruction : Turkish
Level of the Course Unit : BACHELOR'S DEGREE, TYY: + 6.Level, EQF-LLL: 6.Level, QF-EHEA: First Cycle
Type of the Course : Elective
Mode of Delivery of the Course Unit -
Coordinator of the Course Unit Assoc.Prof. METİN KUŞ
Instructor(s) of the Course Unit
Course Prerequisite No


Objectives of the Course Unit: This course aims to provide the student with the knowledge and ability of fashion press, authoring in the area of fashion magazine publishing by handling visual and verbal data all together, becoming skilful at fashion editorship and application of styling.
Contents of the Course Unit: Contents of the course include recognition of the theoretical concepts that compose the base of fashion magazine publishing, examining advertisements, texts and editorial fashion shootings, learning the functions of the images on magazines, applying their own creative editorial works and applications.

KEY LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT (On successful completion of this course unit, students/learners will or will be able to)

Discover the concepts and functions of fashion press and magazine publishing.
Compare the techniques of texts written on fashion magazines and journalism.
Write informing and critical texts on fashion trends, fashion events and designers.
Organise the editorial process with ability of styling.


Week Preparatory Topics(Subjects) Method
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 - General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication -
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
1 Visual and written source review General description of the course plan, subjects and course, introduction to fashion press and communication Brain Stroming, Lecture
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process -
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process -
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process -
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process -
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process -
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process -
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process -
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process -
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process -
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process -
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process -
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 - Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
2 Visual and written source review Functions of texts: Printed magazines and alternative powers of blogs, usage of social media and personal identification process Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism -
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism -
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism -
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism -
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism -
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism -
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism -
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism -
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism -
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism -
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism -
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 - Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
3 Visual and written source review Brief history of industrial evolution and fashion editorship, fashion editorship, beauty editorship, shopping/style editorship, web editorship, fashion authorship, fashion criticism Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples -
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples -
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples -
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples -
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples -
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples -
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples -
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples -
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples -
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples -
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples -
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 - Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
4 Visual and written source review Introduction-body-conclusion relation in text authorship, techniques for performing an efficient writing, samples Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines -
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines -
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines -
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines -
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines -
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines -
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines -
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines -
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines -
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines -
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines -
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 - Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
5 Visual and written source review Journalism techniques and writing styles used in magazines Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience -
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience -
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience -
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience -
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience -
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience -
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience -
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience -
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience -
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience -
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience -
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 - Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
6 Visual and written source review Content development process regarding different channels / publishing: Determining the audience Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews -
7 - Types and functions of interviews -
7 - Types and functions of interviews -
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews -
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews -
7 - Types and functions of interviews -
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews -
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews -
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews -
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews -
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews -
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 - Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
7 Visual and written source review Types and functions of interviews Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners -
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners -
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners -
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners -
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners -
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners -
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners -
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners -
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners -
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners -
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners -
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 - Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
9 Visual and written source review Talking about clothing styles: Fashion icons as trend determiners Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit -
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Research Technical visit Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 - Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
10 Visual and written source review Technical visit Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement -
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 - Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
11 Visual and written source review Introduction to evaluation of oral and visual data all together; Functions of images and photography, parade and advertisement Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting -
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Individual Study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 - Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
12 Visual and written source review Setting up a substructure for visual content, planning photo shooting Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop -
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Individual Study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
13 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop -
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Individual Study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 - Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
14 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop -
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Individual Study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 - Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study
15 Research and Practice Fashion editorship workshop Lecture, Case study


Academic data and book about design and fashion
Literal (article, critical review, song lyrics, poems) and visual (photograph, collage, illustration) leading works on various disciplines
Fashion Magazines
Internet Sources


Assessment & Grading of In-Term Activities Number of Activities Degree of Contribution (%) Description
Level of Contribution
0 1 2 3 4 5




Programme Learning Outcomes Level of Contribution
0 1 2 3 4 5
will be able to know the basic concepts of Graphic Design and to define how these concepts are reflected in designs.
will be able to define the function of Graphic Design in communal and social contexts.



Programme Learning Outcomes Level of Contribution
0 1 2 3 4 5
will be able to organize the relations between the target audience and the visual design.



Programme Learning Outcomes Level of Contribution
0 1 2 3 4 5
will be able to apply the past and current technical knowledge and methods in the field of Graphic Design with the competence required by the design process.



Programme Learning Outcomes Level of Contribution
0 1 2 3 4 5
will be able to apply designs with appropriate combinations by considering the interaction of the field of Graphic Design with other disciplines.


Autonomy & Responsibility

Programme Learning Outcomes Level of Contribution
0 1 2 3 4 5
will be able to behave according to the values of social, cultural, scientific and professional ethics in the design process of Graphic Design.
will be able to use and reflect quality, cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety issues in the all kind of processes in the field.
will be able to implements planned tasks in the desired manner and on time by organizing comprehensive design processes in the field of Graphic Design in individual or group works.


Learning to Learn

Programme Learning Outcomes Level of Contribution
0 1 2 3 4 5
will be able to use and relate the information that obtained in Graphic Design education for higher academic education processes or different field disciplines.


Communication & Social

Programme Learning Outcomes Level of Contribution
0 1 2 3 4 5
will be able to explain the theorical and applicational knowledge related to the field of Graphic Design with using appropriate presentation and communication techniques.
will be able to use a foreign language at least at the B1 level of the European language portfolio.
will be able to use basic computer softwares, information and communication technologies and graphic design programs as required by the field.


Occupational and/or Vocational

Programme Learning Outcomes Level of Contribution
0 1 2 3 4 5
wil be able to demonstrate....


Workload for Learning & Teaching Activities

Type of the Learning Activites Learning Activities (# of week) Duration (hours, h) Workload (h)
Lecture & In-Class Activities 14 4 56
Preliminary & Further Study 13 3 39
Land Surveying 0 0 0
Group Work 0 0 0
Laboratory 0 0 0
Reading 0 0 0
Assignment (Homework) 0 0 0
Project Work 0 0 0
Seminar 0 0 0
Internship 0 0 0
Technical Visit 0 0 0
Web Based Learning 0 0 0
Implementation/Application/Practice 0 0 0
Practice at a workplace 0 0 0
Occupational Activity 0 0 0
Social Activity 0 0 0
Thesis Work 0 0 0
Field Study 0 0 0
Report Writing 0 0 0
Final Exam 1 2 2
Preparation for the Final Exam 5 3 15
Mid-Term Exam 1 1 1
Preparation for the Mid-Term Exam 4 4 16
Short Exam 0 0 0
Preparation for the Short Exam 0 0 0
TOTAL 38 0 129
Total Workload of the Course Unit 129
Workload (h) / 25.5 5,1
ECTS Credits allocated for the Course Unit 5,0