Code Name of the Course Unit Semester In-Class Hours (T+P) Credit ECTS Credit


Week Preparatory Topics(Subjects) Method
1 Flight Theory Aircraft Aerodynamics and Flight Controls Operation and effect of: — Rule control; elerons and spoilers, — nose down/nose up (pike) control: elevator, stabilizer, variable ratio stabilizers and canard control, —yaw control, rudder limiters rudder limiters); Control with the use of elevon and ruddervator; high lift devices; Slots, slats, flaps; Drag devices: spoilers, lift and lowering pads, speed brakes; Operation and effect of trim tabs, servo tabs, control surface biases; -
2 Flight Theory High Speed ​​Flight Aircraft Aerodynamics and Flight Controls Operation and effect of: — Rule control; elerons and spoilers, — nose down/nose up (pike) control: elevator, stabilizer, variable ratio stabilizers and canard control, —yaw control, rudder limiters rudder limiters); Control with the use of elevon and ruddervator; high lift devices; Slots, slats, flaps; Drag devices: spoilers, lift and lowering pads, speed brakes; Operation and effect of trim tabs, servo tabs, control surface biases; speed of sound, subsonic flight, transonic flight, supersonic flight; Mach number, critical Mach number -
3 Rotary Wing Aerodynamics Structures - General Concepts Terminology; Operation and effect of speed, collective and anti-torque controls/controls. Structural system principles; -
4 Zone and station identification systems; Auto Flight (ATA 22) Electric bonding/gluing; Lightning strike protection condition. Principles of automatic flight control, including operating principles and current terminology; processing of the command signal; Working modes: Roll, pitch and yaw channels; Yaw dampers; Stability/Stability Increasing System in Helicopters; Automatic trim control; Autopilot navigation aids interface; Autothrottle systems; Automatic Landing Systems: Principles and categories, study modes, approach, glide slope/line, descent, missed approach, system monitors and error conditions -
5 Auto Flight (ATA 22) Principles of automatic flight control, including operating principles and current terminology; processing of the command signal; Working modes: Roll, pitch and yaw channels; Yaw dampers; Stability/Stability Increasing System in Helicopters; Automatic trim control; Autopilot navigation aids interface; Autothrottle systems; Automatic Landing Systems: Principles and categories, study modes, approach, glide slope/line, descent, missed approach, system monitors and error conditions -
6 Auto Flight (ATA 22) Principles of automatic flight control, including operating principles and current terminology; processing of the command signal; Working modes: Roll, pitch and yaw channels; Yaw dampers; Stability/Stability Increasing System in Helicopters; Automatic trim control; Autopilot navigation aids interface; Autothrottle systems; Automatic Landing Systems: Principles and categories, study modes, approach, glide slope/line, descent, missed approach, system monitors and error conditions -
7 Auto Flight (ATA 22) Principles of automatic flight control, including operating principles and current terminology; processing of the command signal; Working modes: Roll, pitch and yaw channels; Yaw dampers; Stability/Stability Increasing System in Helicopters; Automatic trim control; Autopilot navigation aids interface; Autothrottle systems; Automatic Landing Systems: Principles and categories, study modes, approach, glide slope/line, descent, missed approach, system monitors and error conditions -
9 Auto Flight (ATA 22) Communication/Navigation (ATA 23/24) Principles of automatic flight control, including operating principles and current terminology; processing of the command signal; Working modes: Roll, pitch and yaw channels; Yaw dampers; Stability/Stability Increasing System in Helicopters; Automatic trim control; Autopilot navigation aids interface; Autothrottle systems; Automatic Landing Systems: Principles and categories, study modes, approach, glide slope/line, descent, missed approach, system monitors and error conditions Principles regarding the propagation of radio waves, antennas, transmission lines, communication, receivers and transmitters; Working principles of the following systems: — Very High Frequency (VHF) communication; — High Frequency (HF) communication; — Audio, — Emergency Locator Transmitters, — Cockpit Voice Recorder, — Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Air Navigation Header (VOR - Very High Frequency omnidirectional range), — Automatic Direction Finding (ADF), — Instrument Landing System (ILS - Instrument Landing System),— Microwave Landing System (MLS - Microwave Landing System), — Flight Guidance systems, Distance Measuring Equipment (DME - Distance Measuring Equipment),— Very Low Frequency and Hyperbolic Navigation (VLF/Omega Navigation System), — Doppler Navigation System, — Global Navigation System, — Doppler Navigation System, (GPS), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), — Inertial Navigation System, — Air Traffic Control transceiver, secondary surveillance radar, — Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), — Air avoidance radar, — Radio altimeter, — ARINC communication and reporting. -
10 Communication/Navigation (ATA 23/24) Principles regarding the propagation of radio waves, antennas, transmission lines, communication, receivers and transmitters; Working principles of the following systems: — Very High Frequency (VHF) communication; — High Frequency (HF) communication; — Audio, — Emergency Locator Transmitters, — Cockpit Voice Recorder, — Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Air Navigation Header (VOR - Very High Frequency omnidirectional range), — Automatic Direction Finding (ADF), — Instrument Landing System (ILS - Instrument Landing System),— Microwave Landing System (MLS - Microwave Landing System), — Flight Guidance systems, Distance Measuring Equipment (DME - Distance Measuring Equipment),— Very Low Frequency and Hyperbolic Navigation (VLF/Omega Navigation System), — Doppler Navigation System, — Global Navigation System, — Doppler Navigation System, (GPS), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), — Inertial Navigation System, — Air Traffic Control transceiver, secondary surveillance radar, — Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), — Air avoidance radar, — Radio altimeter, — ARINC communication and reporting. -
11 Communication/Navigation (ATA 23/24) Principles regarding the propagation of radio waves, antennas, transmission lines, communication, receivers and transmitters; Working principles of the following systems: — Very High Frequency (VHF) communication; — High Frequency (HF) communication; — Audio, — Emergency Locator Transmitters, — Cockpit Voice Recorder, — Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Air Navigation Header (VOR - Very High Frequency omnidirectional range), — Automatic Direction Finding (ADF), — Instrument Landing System (ILS - Instrument Landing System),— Microwave Landing System (MLS - Microwave Landing System), — Flight Guidance systems, Distance Measuring Equipment (DME - Distance Measuring Equipment),— Very Low Frequency and Hyperbolic Navigation (VLF/Omega Navigation System), — Doppler Navigation System, — Global Navigation System, — Doppler Navigation System, (GPS), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), — Inertial Navigation System, — Air Traffic Control transceiver, secondary surveillance radar, — Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), — Air avoidance radar, — Radio altimeter, — ARINC communication and reporting. -
12 Communication/Navigation (ATA 23/24) Principles regarding the propagation of radio waves, antennas, transmission lines, communication, receivers and transmitters; Working principles of the following systems: — Very High Frequency (VHF) communication; — High Frequency (HF) communication; — Audio, — Emergency Locator Transmitters, — Cockpit Voice Recorder, — Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Air Navigation Header (VOR - Very High Frequency omnidirectional range), — Automatic Direction Finding (ADF), — Instrument Landing System (ILS - Instrument Landing System),— Microwave Landing System (MLS - Microwave Landing System), — Flight Guidance systems, Distance Measuring Equipment (DME - Distance Measuring Equipment),— Very Low Frequency and Hyperbolic Navigation (VLF/Omega Navigation System), — Doppler Navigation System, — Global Navigation System, — Doppler Navigation System, (GPS), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), — Inertial Navigation System, — Air Traffic Control transceiver, secondary surveillance radar, — Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), — Air avoidance radar, — Radio altimeter, — ARINC communication and reporting. -
13 Communication/Navigation (ATA 23/24) Principles regarding the propagation of radio waves, antennas, transmission lines, communication, receivers and transmitters; Working principles of the following systems: — Very High Frequency (VHF) communication; — High Frequency (HF) communication; — Audio, — Emergency Locator Transmitters, — Cockpit Voice Recorder, — Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Air Navigation Header (VOR - Very High Frequency omnidirectional range), — Automatic Direction Finding (ADF), — Instrument Landing System (ILS - Instrument Landing System),— Microwave Landing System (MLS - Microwave Landing System), — Flight Guidance systems, Distance Measuring Equipment (DME - Distance Measuring Equipment),— Very Low Frequency and Hyperbolic Navigation (VLF/Omega Navigation System), — Doppler Navigation System, — Global Navigation System, — Doppler Navigation System, (GPS), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), — Inertial Navigation System, — Air Traffic Control transceiver, secondary surveillance radar, — Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), — Air avoidance radar, — Radio altimeter, — ARINC communication and reporting. -
14 Communication/Navigation (ATA 23/24) Principles regarding the propagation of radio waves, antennas, transmission lines, communication, receivers and transmitters; Working principles of the following systems: — Very High Frequency (VHF) communication; — High Frequency (HF) communication; — Audio, — Emergency Locator Transmitters, — Cockpit Voice Recorder, — Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Air Navigation Header (VOR - Very High Frequency omnidirectional range), — Automatic Direction Finding (ADF), — Instrument Landing System (ILS - Instrument Landing System),— Microwave Landing System (MLS - Microwave Landing System), — Flight Guidance systems, Distance Measuring Equipment (DME - Distance Measuring Equipment),— Very Low Frequency and Hyperbolic Navigation (VLF/Omega Navigation System), — Doppler Navigation System, — Global Navigation System, — Doppler Navigation System, (GPS), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), — Inertial Navigation System, — Air Traffic Control transceiver, secondary surveillance radar, — Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), — Air avoidance radar, — Radio altimeter, — ARINC communication and reporting. -