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ATA 27 |
11.9 Flight Controls (ATA 27)
Primary control surfaces: aileron, elevator, rudder, spoiler.
Flettner (trim) control system.
Active load control system.
High-lift devices.
Lift-off, descent, and speed brakes.
System operations: manual, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, and fly-by-wire control systems.
Artificial feel, yaw damper, Mach trim, rudder limiter, and storm lock systems.
Balancing and equalization, adjustments.
Stall protection/warning system. |
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ATA 27 |
11.9 Flight Controls (ATA 27)
Primary control surfaces: aileron, elevator, rudder, spoiler.
Flettner (trim) control system.
Active load control system.
High-lift devices.
Lift-off, descent, and speed brakes.
System operations: manual, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, and fly-by-wire control systems.
Artificial feel, yaw damper, Mach trim, rudder limiter, and storm lock systems.
Balancing and equalization, adjustments.
Stall protection/warning system. |
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ATA 27 |
11.9 Flight Controls (ATA 27)
Primary control surfaces: aileron, elevator, rudder, spoiler.
Flettner (trim) control system.
Active load control system.
High-lift devices.
Lift-off, descent, and speed brakes.
System operations: manual, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, and fly-by-wire control systems.
Artificial feel, yaw damper, Mach trim, rudder limiter, and storm lock systems.
Balancing and equalization, adjustments.
Stall protection/warning system. |
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ATA 28 |
11.10 Fuel Systems (ATA 28)
System layout.
Fuel tanks.
Refueling/feeding systems.
Downloading, venting, and draining processes.
Crossfeed and transfer systems.
Indicators and warnings.
Refueling and defueling procedures.
Longitudinal balance fuel systems. |
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ATA 28 |
11.10 Fuel Systems (ATA 28)
System layout.
Fuel tanks.
Refueling/feeding systems.
Downloading, venting, and draining processes.
Crossfeed and transfer systems.
Indicators and warnings.
Refueling and defueling procedures.
Longitudinal balance fuel systems. |
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ATA 29 |
11.11 Hydraulic Power (ATA 29)
Hydraulic fluids.
Hydraulic reservoirs: pressurization, replenishment, and sampling.
Hydraulic pumps and pressure generation: electrical, mechanical, pneumatic, and emergency pressure control.
System layout: accumulators, filters.
Power distribution: directional and control valves, actuators, and pistons.
Indicators and warning systems.
Interrelationships with other systems. |
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ATA 29 |
11.11 Hydraulic Power (ATA 29)
Hydraulic fluids.
Hydraulic reservoirs: pressurization, replenishment, and sampling.
Hydraulic pumps and pressure generation: electrical, mechanical, pneumatic, and emergency pressure control.
System layout: accumulators, filters.
Power distribution: directional and control valves, actuators, and pistons.
Indicators and warning systems.
Interrelationships with other systems. |
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ATA 29 |
11.11 Hydraulic Power (ATA 29)
Hydraulic fluids.
Hydraulic reservoirs: pressurization, replenishment, and sampling.
Hydraulic pumps and pressure generation: electrical, mechanical, pneumatic, and emergency pressure control.
System layout: accumulators, filters.
Power distribution: directional and control valves, actuators, and pistons.
Indicators and warning systems.
Interrelationships with other systems. |
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ATA 30 |
11.12 Ice and Rain Protection (ATA 30)
Ice formation, classification, and detection.
Anti-icing systems: electrical, hot air, and chemical methods.
De-icing systems: electrical, hot air, pneumatic, and chemical methods.
Rain removal systems.
Propeller and drain area heating systems.
Wiper/wiper systems. |
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ATA 30 |
11.12 Ice and Rain Protection (ATA 30)
Ice formation, classification, and detection.
Anti-icing systems: electrical, hot air, and chemical methods.
De-icing systems: electrical, hot air, pneumatic, and chemical methods.
Rain removal systems.
Propeller and drain area heating systems.
Wiper/wiper systems. |
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ATA 32 |
11.13 Landing Gear (ATA 32)
Structure and shock absorption systems.
Extension and retraction systems: normal and emergency operations.
Indicators and warning systems.
Wheels and tires, brakes, auto-braking, skid and nose gear retraction prevention systems.
Steering mechanisms (rudder).
Air-ground proximity detection.
Tail bumper systems. |
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ATA 32
ATA 33 |
11.13 Landing Gear (ATA 32)
Structure and shock absorption systems.
Extension and retraction systems: normal and emergency operations.
Indicators and warning systems.
Wheels and tires, brakes, auto-braking, skid and nose gear retraction prevention systems.
Steering mechanisms (rudder).
Air-ground proximity detection.
Tail bumper systems.
11.14 Lights (ATA 33)
External lighting: navigation, anti-collision, landing, taxi, and ice lights.
Internal lighting: cabin, cockpit, cargo lights.
Emergency lighting systems. |
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ATA 33 |
11.14 Lights (ATA 33)
External lighting: navigation, anti-collision, landing, taxi, and ice lights.
Internal lighting: cabin, cockpit, cargo lights.
Emergency lighting systems. |
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ATA 33 |
11.14 Lights (ATA 33)
External lighting: navigation, anti-collision, landing, taxi, and ice lights.
Internal lighting: cabin, cockpit, cargo lights.
Emergency lighting systems. |
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