Profile of the Programme(Qualification)



Described in terms of theoretical and factual knowledge.

Computer concepts, methods and the software would dominate.
Recognizes the basic functions of hardware.
Recognize personal and network operating systems.
Ethics related to the profession, oversees the health and safety measures.
Have adopted the philosophy of total quality and technical elements that could support institutional processes become.
Hardware makes the process of discovery and establishment.
Explains data management processes.
Explains different areas where software languages are used.


Described in terms of cognitive and practical skills.

Software (PC, network and Internet environment) are involved in planning and design.
Professional in the field of algorithmic thinking to find solutions to deal with problems that will arise.
Use math skills in vocational areas.
Word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, database, and graphics-based design of programs you install and use.
Are given the chance to apply theoretical issues.


Autonomy & Responsibility

Detects common software and hardware failures, produce solutions to problems.
Measures related to data security and storage space and become individuals find appropriate solutions.
Fault finding, problem solving, decision-making and planning processes become competent in the subjects.

Learning to Learn

They can learn and put into practice what they learned fast.
With the basic knowledge learned in the training process of learning and innovation that exists will have the ability to develop them.

Communication & Social

Except of course in the section related to their field of study clubs that exist in the industry to meet and communicate with the companies they have a chance.

Occupational and/or Vocational

Department students and programming, web design and technical courses will increase their chances to opt for.
Programming courses enables students to develop new programs and projects that they produce their own applications gain competence.
Some small or medium-sized companies take the role of management and leadership.


Computer concepts, methods and the software would dominate.
Recognizes the basic functions of hardware.
Recognize personal and network operating systems.
Ethics related to the profession, oversees the health and safety measures.
Have adopted the philosophy of total quality and technical elements that could support institutional processes become.
Hardware makes the process of discovery and establishment.
Explains data management processes.
Explains different areas where software languages are used.
Software (PC, network and Internet environment) are involved in planning and design.
Professional in the field of algorithmic thinking to find solutions to deal with problems that will arise.
Use math skills in vocational areas.
Word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, database, and graphics-based design of programs you install and use.
Are given the chance to apply theoretical issues.
Detects common software and hardware failures, produce solutions to problems.
Measures related to data security and storage space and become individuals find appropriate solutions.
Fault finding, problem solving, decision-making and planning processes become competent in the subjects.
They can learn and put into practice what they learned fast.
With the basic knowledge learned in the training process of learning and innovation that exists will have the ability to develop them.
Except of course in the section related to their field of study clubs that exist in the industry to meet and communicate with the companies they have a chance.
Department students and programming, web design and technical courses will increase their chances to opt for.
Programming courses enables students to develop new programs and projects that they produce their own applications gain competence.
Some small or medium-sized companies take the role of management and leadership.


Theoretical, Factual

Ortaöğretim düzeyinde kazanılan yeterliliklere dayalı olarak alanındaki güncel bilgileri içeren ders kitapları, uygulama araç-gereçleri ve diğer kaynaklarla desteklenen temel düzeydeki kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgilere sahip olma.
Possess theoretical and practical knowledge supported by textbooks with updated information, practice equipments and other resource on basic level based on qualifications gained at secondary education level.
Has basic theoretical and applied knowledge in the fields of logic, mathematics and computer science
Has the introductory level of applied and basic conceptual knowledge in computer science subjects.
Has basic theoretical and applied knowledge in the fields of logic, mathematics and computer science
Has the introductory level of applied and basic conceptual knowledge in computer science subjects.
Bilgisayar kavram, yöntem ve de yazılımlarına hakim olur.
Donanımların temel işlevlerini tanır.
Kişisel ve ağ işletim sistemlerini tanır.
Mesleği ile ilgili etik, sağlık ve emniyet tedbirlerini gözetir.
Toplam kalite felsefesini benimsemiş ve ilgili kurumsal süreçlere destek verebilen teknik eleman olurlar.
Donanım keşif ve kurulması işlemini yapar.
Verilerin yönetim süreçlerini açıklar.
Yazılım dillerinin kullanıldığı farklı alanları açıklar.


Cognitive, Practical

Gain the skills to use basic level theoretical and practical knowledge acquired within the field in the same field of a higher education level or in a field of same level.
Interpret and evaluate data, define problems, do analysis, produce solutions based on proof with using basic level knowledge and practices gained within the field.
Alanında edindiği temel düzeydeki kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgileri aynı alanda bir ileri eğitim düzeyinde veya aynı düzeydeki bir alanda kullanabilme becerileri kazanma.
Alanında edindiği temel düzeydeki bilgi ve becerileri kullanarak, verileri yorumlayabilme ve değerlendirebilme, sorunları tanımlayabilme, analiz edebilme, kanıtlara dayalı çözüm önerileri geliştirebilme.
Constructs the defined informatics and/or computer science problems and models and applies basic solution suggestions.
Uses algorithmic thinking and planning approach in their applications.
Develops software components whose specifications are defined.
Name the given analysis and modeling methods for the determined solution of informatics problems.
Uses algorithmic thinking and planning approach in applications.
Codes and tests software components whose specifications are defined.
Constructs the defined informatics and/or computer science problems and models and applies basic solution suggestions.
Uses algorithmic thinking and planning approach in their applications.
Develops software components whose specifications (specification) are defined.
Name the given analysis and modeling methods for the determined solution of informatics problems.
Uses algorithmic thinking and planning approach in applications.
Codes and tests software components whose specifications are defined.
Yazılım (PC, ağ ortamı ve internet) planlama ve tasarımında görev alır.
Mesleki alanda algoritmik düşünerek ortaya çıkacak olan problemlere karşı çözüm bulur.
Mesleki alanda matematik becerilerini kullanır.
Kelime işlemci, hesaplama tablosu, sunu, veri tabanı ve grafik tabanlı tasarım programlarını kurar ve kullanır.
Verilen teorik konuları uygulama imkanı bulurlar.


Autonomy & Responsibility

Conduct studies at basic level within the field independently.
Take responsibility as a team member in order to solve unexpected complex problems faced in the implementations within the field.
Conduct activities towards the development of subordinates within a project.
Alanı ile ilgili temel düzeydeki bir çalışmayı bağımsız olarak yürütebilme.
Alanı ile ilgili uygulamalarda karşılaşılan ve öngörülemeyen karmaşık sorunları çözmek için ekip üyesi olarak sorumluluk alabilme.
Sorumluluğu altında çalışanların bir proje çerçevesinde gelişimlerine yönelik etkinlikleri yürütebilme.
Works effectively individually or in teams.
Works effectively individually or in teams.
Yaygın karşılaşılan yazılım ve donanım arızalarını tespit eder, sorunlara çözüm üretirler.
Veri güvenliği ve saklanması ile ilgili tedbirleri alan ve uygun çözümler bulan birey olurlar.
Hata bulma, problem çözme, karar verme ve işlem planlaması konularında yetenekli olurlar.

Learning to Learn

Alanında edindiği temel düzeydeki bilgi ve becerileri eleştirel bir yaklaşımla değerlendirebilme, öğrenme gereksinimlerini belirleyebilme ve karşılayabilme.
Öğrenimini aynı alanda bir ileri eğitim düzeyine veya aynı düzeydeki bir mesleğe yönlendirebilme.
Yaşamboyu öğrenme bilinci kazanmış olma.
Evaluate the acquired knowledge and skills at basic level within the field with a critical approach, determine and respond to learning needs.
Direct the education received to a higher education level in the same field or to an occupation in the same level.
Gain awareness of lifelong learning.
With the awareness of the necessity of lifelong learning, follows the current developments in information and communication technologies.
With the awareness of the necessity of lifelong learning, follows the developments in information and communication technologies.
Hızlı öğrenebilir ve öğrendiklerini pratiğe dökerler.
Eğitim sürecinde öğrendiği temel bilgiler sayesinde var olan yenilikleri öğrenme ve bunları geliştirme yeteneğine sahip olurlar.

Communication & Social

Transfer the ideas based on the basic knowledge and skills acquired within the field through written and oral communication.
Share the ideas and solution proposals to problems about issues within the field with professionals and non-professionals.
Monitor the developments in the field and communicate with peers by using a foreign language at least at a level of European Language Portfolio A2 General Level.
Use informatics and communication technologies with at least a minimum level of European Computer Driving License Basic Level software knowledge.
Alanı ile ilgili konularda sahip olduğu temel bilgi ve beceriler düzeyinde düşüncelerini yazılı ve sözlü iletişim yoluyla aktarabilme.
Alanı ile ilgili konularda düşüncelerini ve sorunlara ilişkin çözüm önerilerini uzman olan ve olmayan kişilerle paylaşabilme.
Bir yabancı dili en az Avrupa Dil Portföyü A2 Genel Düzeyi'nde kullanarak alanındaki bilgileri izleyebilme ve meslektaşları ile iletişim kurabilme.
Alanının gerektirdiği en az Avrupa Bilgisayar Kullanma Lisansı Temel Düzeyinde bilgisayar yazılımı ile birlikte bilişim ve iletişim teknolojilerini kullanabilme.
Communicates verbally and in writing; uses at least one foreign language at least at A2 General Level of the European Language Portfolio, monitors information in the field of informatics and computer sciences and communicates with colleagues.
Communicates verbally and in writing; follows information in the field of informatics and computer sciences and communicates with colleagues by using at least one foreign language at least at A2 General Level of the European Language Portfolio.
Bölümde derslerin haricinde kendi alanları ile ilgili kulüp çalışmaları ile sektörde var olan firmalar ile tanışma ve iletişim kurma şansı bulurlar.

Occupational and/or Vocational

Alanı ile ilgili verilerin toplanması, uygulanması ve sonuçlarının duyurulması aşamalarında toplumsal, bilimsel, kültürel ve etik değerlere sahip olma.
Sosyal hakların evrenselliği, sosyal adalet, kalite ve kültürel değerler ile çevre koruma, iş sağlığı ve güvenliği konularında yeterli bilince sahip olma.
Possess social, scientific, cultural and ethic values on the stages of gathering, implementation and release of the results of data related to the field.
Possess sufficient consciousness about the issues of universality of social rights, social justice, quality, cultural values and also, environmental protection, worker's health and security.
Has a sense of professional and ethical responsibility, and is aware of the observance of professional ethics in informatics applications.
With the awareness of professional and ethical responsibility, it has an awareness of observing professional ethics in informatics applications.
Bölümde öğrenciler hem programcılık, web tasarımı hemde teknik dersleri aldıkları için tercih edilme şansları artar.
Programcılık dersleri sayesinde öğrenciler yeni programlar geliştirme ve bunları kendi ürettikleri projelerle uygulama yetkinliği kazanırlar.
Bazı küçük veya orta ölçekli şirketlerde yöneticilik ve liderlik rolünü üstlenirler.