Kodu | Dersin Adı | Yarıyıl | Süresi(T+U) | Kredisi | AKTS Kredisi |
SMP103E | PHYSIOLOGY | 1 | 3 | 3 | 4 |
DERSİN ÖĞRENME ÇIKTILARI (Öğrenciler, bu dersi başarı ile tamamladıklarında aşağıda belirtilen bilgi, beceri ve/veya yetkinlikleri gösterirler.) |
Explain the functional mechanisms of cell and organ systems, their relations with each other and the physiological control mechanisms in the body. |
In a healthy state, the body learns how functions occur. |
Explain with examples which physiological functions have problems in pathological situations. |
Understands how the organism works in an internal balance. |
Interprets the physiological variables in the formation of various diseases. |