Genel Bilgiler

Programın Amacı

English Language and Literature Program aims at meeting the need of human resources knowing both language and its literature. The students will learn both literary genres and the structure of the language, communication and meaning relationships. Besides language studies, students will also learn various World cultures and knowledge of other disciplines.

Programın Hedefi

Our fundamental target is to raise individuals who are able to inquire, think critically and decide properly and who are socially and culturally active with an awareness of his/her contemporary society and the world.

Kariyer Olanakları

Students can take Master of Arts and Doctoral degrees to be become an academician.

Bölümün Geleceği

Kimler Seçmeli

Çalışma Alanları

The graduates of the program will mainly be able to become English teachers by getting teaching certificate. They will also go on their career in academic fields. They can have the opportunity to work as a translator in various business sectors such as tourism, logistics, foreign trade, banking, radio and television etc.

Yatay Geçiş İle Geçilen Programlar

In accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on the Principles of Lateral Transfer at the Level of Undergraduate among Higher Education Institutions, a lateral transfer from one department / program to another department / program is possible. 

Dikey Geçiş İle Geçilen Programlar

Graduates of Vocational Schools can continue their education for four years if they meet the conditions in the related regulations.