Kodu | Dersin Adı | Yarıyıl | Süresi(T+U) | Kredisi | AKTS Kredisi |
RTS470 | BİTİRME PROJESİ | 8 | 2 | 1 | 8 |
DERSİN ÖĞRENME ÇIKTILARI (Öğrenciler, bu dersi başarı ile tamamladıklarında aşağıda belirtilen bilgi, beceri ve/veya yetkinlikleri gösterirler.) |
Apply correctly the production, distribution, screening feet from the idea stage to the representation of a film. |
Manipulate a team building and division of work within a team. |
Provides solutions to the problems encountered in professional life. |
Design a project by applying the rules of thesis writing. |
Organize strategic thinking and decision-making processes in professional life from the beginning to the end of the ethical rules. |