Genel Bilgiler

Programın Amacı

The aim of the program is to train experts and academics who can examine gastronomy from an academic point of view, conduct research and development on gastronomy, measure and interpret product and service methods and models, give training, produce projects and write articles, together with all other branches of science and art with which they interact.


Programın Hedefi

The aim of the program is to ensure that scientists who can enrich the gastronomy culture open to development in our country, which has an extremely rich gastronomy presence and potential, academically, can make it qualified and increase its awareness, participate in the Turkish gastronomy world in a stable manner.


Kariyer Olanakları

Gastronomy doctoral graduates can have the privilege and responsibility of educating the younger generations related to the field of gastronomy by taking part in the teaching staff of universities. In the same way, they can produce scientific products such as articles, books, projects by doing academic studies.


Bölümün Geleceği

Kimler Seçmeli

Çalışma Alanları

The department's working areas are Turkish Cuisine, Turkish Culinary History, Turkish Culinary Culture, Sustainability and Gastrotourism

Yatay Geçiş İle Geçilen Programlar

Gastronomy doctoral graduates can have the privilege and responsibility of educating the younger generations related to the field of gastronomy by taking part in the teaching staff of universities. In the same way, they can produce scientific products such as articles, books, projects by doing academic studies.


Dikey Geçiş İle Geçilen Programlar

In line with the university and YÖK regulations, horizontal transfers can be made through similar programs.