Kodu | Dersin Adı | Yarıyıl | Süresi(T+U) | Kredisi | AKTS Kredisi |
HIT108 | HALKLA İLİŞKİLERE GİRİŞ | 2 | 3 | 3 | 7 |
DERSİN ÖĞRENME ÇIKTILARI (Öğrenciler, bu dersi başarı ile tamamladıklarında aşağıda belirtilen bilgi, beceri ve/veya yetkinlikleri gösterirler.) |
Define the basic concepts of public relations. |
Explain the importance of recognizing human nature and target audience through past campaign examples. |
Explain 4 models of public relations. |
Summarize the history of public relations. |
Explain the public relations practices such as crisis communication, reputation management, issue management and sponsorship through case studies. |
Explain the communication theories related to public relations by linking to trends. |